Sunday, April 26, 2009

Technology & Media

It’s typical for a new technology to be adapted within a culture and used to support existing patterns of behavior. With your own relevant examples, answer these questions.

1) What kind of culture influences through technology can you see from today’s world?

Technology that i found from today's world is an instant messenger. we can found many instant messenger such as Yahoo Messenger, MSN, mobile chat and etc.

People are now related to new world generation and based on that, many people use this new modern technology and no more written mail in the letter box.

The disadvantage of letter mail is,the letter could be gone by the heavy rain or windy weather. Even the postman also might be accident in the middle of the roadway or the mailing address could be false or person are moving out.

The best thing using new technology in this modern era, instant messenger could solve all this problem, letter gone missing or the postman even dead by the roadways. people had just to sit down, and open their laptops or even chat in the mobile, like MSN messenger, it can be used on the mobile.

This might help people reduce the burden of wasting our time to post the letter, line up in the long line just to have an RM 0.20 stamp for posting out the letter mail.

2) Is there a possibility to reshape the (new) culture today via new technology, How?

Culture can be changed as it always changing from the old ones to the new ones. As an example the mobile phone. last time we can only communicate through voices and sms. Later on mms came as an easy way to pass picture of us, family and friends to the others. Then, making our life rich of technology, we are now using 3G mobile phone to communicate.

Personal Reflection in class.

Mdm Helena were showing us an interesting video and we submitted our second assigment of 800 words.

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